Heather O'Mara is fully vaccinated.

Due to the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Heather O'Mara Photography is doing everything to protect you, our clients and our community. To this extent, Heather O'Mara Photography will be following the Center of Disease-Control (CDC) with regard to social distancing practices and sanitation. We ask that clients disclose their health history and continue to implement these sanitation and disinfection procedures. 

Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever
  • Fatique
  • Dry Cough
  • Difficulty Breathing

Heather O'Mara Photography is following these enhanced procedures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

-All clients must wear a mask during arrival of the service. Photographer will wear a mask and provide a social distance of 6 feet.

-A maximum of 5 customers will be allowed to the shoot 

-We discourage guests accompanying scheduled customers 

-Additional time will be scheduled in between client appointments to limit client contact.  

-Each client is required to wash their hands upon arrival and before departure.